1) The Mr. got into seminary!! Whoop Whoop! We're excited to start this journey to fulfill God's calling.
2) We're still priming and painting our little hearts away. We actually ran out of primer this past weekend, so we'll need to get some more before we can really finish up the trim & interior doors. This is possibly one of the biggest undertakings we've done so far just because it's so time consuming. I'll be so glad when it's finally over!
3) The Mr. and I are running three days a week now using the C25K program. It's tough just because I'm so out of shape, but I know it's good for me. We're on Week 5 of the 9 week program. We should be on week 7, but we got a little off track for a couple of weeks... whoops.
4) I've started couponing! I've found some great websites like savingwellspendingless.com which are definitely helping me. I'm definitely a newbie at the whole thing, but if I can get good at it, it can save us a lot on our grocery bill. I've even made this binder to hold all of my clipped coupons (Thanks to Kim, a lady at our church, for giving me this idea first).
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So nice and organized... I love it. Sorry the pic is bad. The Mr. took it at night on his phone. |
Confession: I'm notorious for starting something and not finishing. I get bored easily and have to change up the routine. Also -- I'm a perfectionist (yes, I know, it's not good.... but I am.) I do think I'm responsible when it comes to work (aka when someone is counting on me to do it). However, I find it a bit harder to finish things I'm doing for myself. I just easily frustrated, lazy, or (like I said before) just plain bored. So, since I've acknowledged that I have this problem, y'all should know that I am making an effort to remedy it. Therefore, I'm hoping posting this for the world to see will encourage me to finish/stick with something, be it couponing, sewing, running, whatever. Hopefully, I can stick with all of it.
Another thing I'm working on is trying to get up earlier, you know, so I have more time to ease into my day and not always be so rushed getting out the door. Needless to say, I'm failing miserably at this one... What can I say? This girl likes her sleep. But seriously.... I'm gonna need to work harder on that... ;)
I plan on posting a list that the Mr. and I made of things we'd like to do around the house. Also -- I plan to post pics of the house from before we moved in (aka in its original state). That way, you guys can follow along as we try to mark things off our list and spruce up our home.... it should be interesting...
Hope you guys are having a great day! :)