Thursday, February 17, 2011

Frame and Fortune

One day while visiting family, the Mr. and I meandered through Kirklands in the mall. They were having a pretty good sale, but we didn't go in with the intention of buying anything.... that was, until we saw this beauty...

It's a huge beautiful painting of a town setting, and I had the perfect empty wall for it. The original price tag said $130.00 (ouch), but it was marked down to $45.00. Why so much? Because it "damaged." Their definition of "damaged" was a scratched up frame -- nothing wrong with the actual painting.
See? The scratches aren't all that bad...
Oh, but wait, it gets better. Remember before when I mentioned that Kirlands was having a sale? That's right... an extra 35% off! Wahoo! That makes it a whopping $30, plus tax, of course. Still -- that's $100 off! That's my kind of shopping!! But the frame... what would we do about that? Well, seeing as how I'm all into distressing and antiquing, I figured we'd just try sanding down the frame to give it a distressed look. That way, the scraches all over the frame would just blend right in. We used some 80-grit sandpaper that we had on hand to sand all over the frame, and here she is all finished..

Isn't she a beauty? Well, I think so... and now that big empty wall isn't looking so lonely. Plus, I think the roughed up frame goes better with the painting than the chunky brown frame. That's not bad for $30 and 5 minutes of sanding...

Linked up to The Shabby Nest

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