Monday, February 14, 2011

Looky Looky....

Look what I got...

Yes, that's my brand new Husqvarna sewing machine. My sweet mama surprised me with it. She called me and told me to go to a nearby store to pick something up that they were holding for me. The Mr. and I hopped in the car and got there only to find a brand new sewing machine! YaY! Now, let me clarify... I've never had a sewing machine, and I barely know how to use one -- but I plan on putting this to good use! I've been wanting to learn to sew for forever, and I've been practicing on my grandmother's old sewing machine. But now, I have one of my own -- and it's sooooo easy to use. I'm really excited, and can't wait to try out my first sewing project on it! Thanks, Mama!!

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